FlatTurtle Blog


So it happened… We’re live in an operation room.


And North Plaza is connected !


Atlantis Bridge has a Turtle !


Route planning on tablet Hi all, We’ve pushed some changes in the last few days that will result in a smoother and faster route query using tablets. The map displaying the route, while nice, required too much individual API calls to iRail & SNCB, resulting in rather long “calculating” messages, or even no information being displayed at all (due to time outs). This has now been fixed.


And Silver Building is equipped as well (it’s a surprise, so we had to turn it off for the picture ;))!


Alma Court’s interior is uniquely refreshing!


Atlantic House: route planning using the tablet.

MyTurtle: buttons

Hi, I’ll take this opportunity to give a quick work of explanation about the buttons you see in MyTurtle Panel. From left to right: 1. Message 2. Clock (blue = enabled) 3. Screen power (blue = turned on) 4. Reload Message allows you to put a short message, full screen, on your FlatTurtle. This message will exist for a short time (about 30 seconds). After that, the normal information will be displayed again.

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After being unavailable for a little while, we’re happy to announce “walking times” are back! The walking times are calculated directly from your location within the MyTurtle panel. We have also rewritten the backend for this, which causes the walking times to be calculated just once, when the Turtle is created, and not every time MyTurtle is started (every morning). This reduces load drastically.


It’s Monday ;)