FlatTurtle Blog

Seminar real-time information

Seminar real-time information! ;) #RealtyBrussels


Red, the colour of luv.


#RealtyBrussels is like the wild west. Only worse. ;)


Yeri is burning his fingers with the glue gun….

Pieter is enjoying his Saturday

Pieter is enjoying his Saturday at #RealtyBrussels.


Voka: Members only

FlatTurtle is proud to be the Digital Signage sponsor of Voka Leuven with their next event.

If you’re attending, be sure to come and say hi!


That Realty chose to collaborate with us is thanks to our enthusiastic early-bird customers , who have been motivating us to develop what they needed.


And we are very proud that " Realty is proud to announce their collaboration with FlatTurtle"

FlatTurtle collaborates with Realty

FlatTurtle is extremely happen to be able to provide Realty with a real-time digital signage experience.

We hope to see you all there, Tuesday to Thursday. Be sure to come and say hello.

On top of that, we might have a surprise for you all!


Did you know we support mobile?

Here’s an example of MyTurtleControl on a Nexus 7:

And here’s an example under a Galaxy Nexus mobile phone:

No more excuses to not update your MyTurtle. Everything can be done using your mobile phone (and the free WiFi we provide)!