FlatTurtle Blog

Pegasus Outdoor WiFi

Looks like every time we’re working on the Pegasus rooftops it’s terrible weather. 🌧️

WiFi Upgrade at Pegasus: Embracing Modern Connectivity

It’s been a while, but we haven’t had the opportunity to talk about it yet — a couple of months ago (as you can see from the nice weather), FlatTurtle undertook a significant upgrade project at Pegasus, replacing End-of-Life (EoL) WiFi access points (AP). This upgrade encompassed all outdoor APs as well as some indoor units, bringing the entire network up to modern standards.

At Pegasus, we replaced all outdoor WiFi access points with newer, more advanced modules. The upgrade involved moving from 2.4GHz-only devices that had reached EoL to WiFi5. The outdoor units are now all WiFi5, while the new indoor units are all WiFi6 if they were replaced during this upgrade. Some offices still feature WiFi5 models due to recent installations or expansions prior to this project.

Benefits of WiFi5 and WiFi6

WiFi5 (802.11ac) and WiFi6 (802.11ax) bring significant improvements over older WiFi standards. WiFi5 offers faster speeds, better performance in dense environments, and improved reliability. WiFi6 takes these benefits even further, providing higher data rates, increased capacity, better performance in congested areas, and enhanced power efficiency, which is crucial for the growing number of connected devices in modern offices.

Enhanced Frequency Support

One of the major improvements by replacing the EoL models with the new access points is their dual-frequency support. All new APs at Pegasus now support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. This dual-band capability ensures better coverage and more reliable connections, reducing interference and providing a smoother experience for users.

Expanded Outdoor Coverage

In addition to upgrading the hardware, we massively expanded our outdoor coverage. We added many new access points, covering angles and areas that were previously not served. This enhancement is particularly beneficial for those rare but cherished summery days in Belgium, allowing people to work outside in the nearby park in front of the Pegasus buildings.

With these upgrades, Pegasus now boasts a robust, modern, and reliable WiFi network that caters to both current needs and future demands. Whether indoors or outdoors, users can enjoy seamless connectivity, enhancing productivity and flexibility.

For more details on our services and how we can help upgrade your network, visit FlatTurtle Services.