FlatTurtle Blog

Bastion Tower

New Location: Bastion Tower

Bastion Tower

You should know by now. We're tech people, not marketeers. We can't take nice pictures... 😅

We’re delighted to announce our latest location at Bastion Tower. In this unique setup, FlatTurtle has installed a state-of-the-art screen behind a beautiful reflective mirror in the common area. This innovative design makes the screen almost magically invisible, seamlessly passing information through the mirror to keep everyone informed without disrupting the elegant aesthetic.

In addition to this cutting-edge (literally! very sharp a mirror’s edge) display, we provide public WiFi for tenants and visitors, ensuring everyone enjoys seamless connectivity.

Special thanks to BNP Paribas RE for their wonderful cooperation.

Visit FlatTurtle Services to learn more about how we enhance connectivity and communication in commercial spaces.

Bastion Tower

Add a mirror to the mix, and it's even harder to take a proper picture that doesn't look awful. 🫠