FlatTurtle Blog

Master server issues

Due to a hard drive crash at our cloud provider, our master server (“the brain”) got a mayor latency spike in I/O, which caused the partitions to become read-only.

The easiest solution was the reboot the server, but due to a massive amount of other servers rebooting simultaneously it took longer than expected for the server to come back online. It also had to go through an entire disk filesystem check, which added up to the wait time.

Server went down at 14h27 (manual reboot), and was back online at 16h37.

While this was mostly transparent for our users, all changes executed via the control panel did not get executed. The changes to your FlatTurtle will be live after you execute a full refresh via the panel (or, at the latest, tomorrow morning).

All other real time information was still correctly fed to your FlatTurtle.

- Yeri