FlatTurtle Blog


The last week we’ve been quite busy adding ipv6 support to our entire IT infrastructure.

As you might, or might not know, the internet is running out of ip (v4) addresses. This is why the last few years, there has been a big push to migrate the internet to ipv6. But due to old hardware and legacy system, this has proven much harder than expected.

Most big companies (think Google, Microsoft, Facebook) have taken the lead in this and migrated everything to both ipv4 and ipv6.

Smaller belgian ISPs (such as EDPnet) have done the same. Giving users the opportunity to connect directly to ipv6 networks.

However, the bigger Belgian ISPs (Skynet, Telenet) are lagging behind as always, and do not provide this kind of connectivity yet.

After running a trial period with iRail (it’s our living lab for a reason), we are now proud to announce FlatTurtle also runs entirely on ipv6. We, of course, still supports ipv4 for “legacy systems” ;))

So, what changes for you? Basically… nothing. You won’t notice any difference. This just opens the gate to the future. This means our embedded devices and the servers they connect to are ready for the next level. If at some point we should connect to ipv6-only networks, we will be able to serve you, just as you expected.

Our FlatTurtle, running at iMinds, will be the first to operate entirely on ipv6. Congrats!