FlatTurtle Blog

Getting online quickly: leveraging 4G and 5G for office connectivity

Internet connectivity delays are unfortunately all too common. Whether it’s Telenet dealing with damaged or missing coax cables, or Proximus rolling out fiber installations that take longer than expected, these delays can disrupt your plans significantly. At FlatTurtle, we understand the importance of getting your office online promptly and have solutions to bridge these gaps. A temporary solution using Orange 4G while the cabled internet installation is delayed. Overcoming installation delays with 4G and 5G When faced with internet installation delays, starting with a 4G or 5G connection can be a practical solution.

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Meeus35 went full on digital signage

Using FlatTurtle digital signage to display tenant logos and the floors they occupy.

Case Study: Blue Tower Network Revamp for BNP Paribas Real Estate

Introduction Blue Tower, a mixed-use building located on the Avenue Louise in Brussels, Belgium, is one of the most striking and prestigious office towers in the Brussels skyline. Originally designed by architect Henri Montois in a functionalist/modernist style, the Blue Tower offers large, divisible office floor spaces of around 987 square metres. BNP Paribas Real Estate Belgium, acting as the property manager, faced challenges with the outdated and fragmented network infrastructure of the building.

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The Importance of Recycling and Disconnecting Old Hardware in Office Spaces

In today’s office environments, it’s easy to overlook the legacy hardware silently consuming power and internet bandwidth. These old, forgotten devices not only drain energy but also pose significant environmental and security risks. At FlatTurtle, we emphasize the importance of recycling and disconnecting unused hardware to create a more efficient and secure workspace. We decommissioned old hardware and WiFi access point from a bankrupt provider and replaced all hardware with modern networking equipment from FlatTurtle.

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FlatTurtle powers connectivity at Plaza'H shopping mall

FlatTurtle provides all the shared internet connectivity at Plaza’H, a shopping mall in Hasselt. We also ensure WiFi coverage throughout the common areas of the shopping mall. Overcoming challenges with limited space One of the challenges we faced was working with limited space, such as installing network equipment in a very narrow shaft. We needed special upright racks to secure the network equipment securely. It's tight to fit it all in there.

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EV Network

Going Where Our Customers Are: EV Charger Edition To meet our customers’ needs, sometimes we have to get creative. In this case, serving EV chargers meant installing network equipment in an underground car park. With limited space, we pragmatically placed the equipment between structural beams. It’s all part of ensuring reliable service, no matter the location.

Bastion Tower

New Location: Bastion Tower You should know by now. We're tech people, not marketeers. We can't take nice pictures... 😅 We’re delighted to announce our latest location at Bastion Tower. In this unique setup, FlatTurtle has installed a state-of-the-art screen behind a beautiful reflective mirror in the common area. This innovative design makes the screen almost magically invisible, seamlessly passing information through the mirror to keep everyone informed without disrupting the elegant aesthetic.

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Regular Maintenance

Keeping Your Displays in Top Shape This is our team visiting the Ravenstein building for a regular cleanup. The Ravenstein screen is a bit of a special bird because of the heavy foot traffic and the limited space where we can install the screen. It used to be located above the hallway, but due to various reasons, the frame it was attached to was no longer secure. The choice was made to lower it more clearly into people’s eye view near the sliding doors.

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Espressif: The King of IoT

Espressif, the Chinese powerhouse, dominates the world of IoT devices, particularly in office environments. Known among geeks for the wildly popular ESP32 chipset, Espressif has become a staple in creating simple Home Assistant devices like ESPhome and ESPresense. However, beyond the DIY community, Espressif leads the market in professional and enterprise hardware as well. Many internet-connected devices, including EV chargers, rely on Espressif chipsets… And I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of them use the very well documented, super popular, and easily available ESP32 as well.

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Case Study: Enhancing Connectivity at Pegasus Park for Cobelpro

Introduction Cobelpro, established in 1992, is a leading real estate management and advisory company based in Belgium and Luxembourg. Specializing in commercial and residential property management, Cobelpro serves private investors, insurance companies, and family businesses that invest in real estate but prefer not to be directly involved in its management. With a reputation for providing comprehensive real estate services, Cobelpro oversees properties with professional diligence, making them one of the foremost players in the market.

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